Wednesday 17 February 2016

Week 7- Trip to the Museum

The door opened and there it was. Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait. It was smaller and less imposing than I imagined. Really! This was turning into a torturous nightmare. My mum must have been dragging me around this exhibition for at least an hour.

“Come on, this is educational,” my mum said snatching my phone from me.

Maybe one of the tour guides was discussing something more interesting? I sauntered down the hallway to find that they were exchanging views on meteorites. Wow, now here is something I find fascinating. I love anything to do with astronomy, especially meteors, meteorites and meteoroids.

Sebastian 6F


  1. Well done Seb, did this happen in real life?

  2. Graciella - a 100WC Volunteer23 February 2016 at 19:04

    Seb this is a brilliant piece of writing! I love the use of the word 'snatching' and 'sauntering'; this informs the reader about how the phone was taken from you and how you walked in an effective way. We can really see your perceptions and moods from your writing and this is a great skill to have developed!

    Very well done.
