Saturday 21 January 2017

Week 17 - A Perfect Day Out

“Look at that butterfly!” gasped Jess in amazement. She and her friend Grace were having a
relaxing day in the countryside. The lake in front of them sparkled like a blanket of diamonds
under the beating sun. Whilst she pointed out another colourful butterfly, a bird squawked in
the distance, piercing the peacefulness.As they packed their picnic, a group of dark,
menacing clouds galloped across the sky like stallions and soon the wind began to whisper
wickedly. As the weather changed, Jess and Grace stood up in alarm.
“Oh, I’ve forgotten to bring my waterproof!” Grace cried bitterly. What seemed like a perfect
day out looked like it was going to be ruined..

Peter - 6F.

1 comment:

  1. Michael, Roehampton University24 January 2017 at 02:40

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